Wow. It has been a long time since I have posted anything. Life has been busy.
We are getting ready to start a new chapter in our home. This year, we have decided that instead of sending Donny to the school that he is zoned for, that we would try an online public school. We are really excited about this. We haven't gone into this without a lot of thought, prayer and discussions. Of course we are worried about him having a lack of social interactions, but we will have to be responsible for putting those in his path.
This year, the school district said the students had to go to the school that they were zoned for. In the past, they had bussed the students to one further away. My biggest issue with him going to the one we are zoned for is that it is literally, right across the street from us. Now for some students, this would be an advantage. For Donny, this is a major disadvantage. Donny is a runner. When he feels overwhelmed or angry, he just wants to escape. Last year he school was too far from home for him to leave, even though he threatened to do that more than once. With the school be across the street, there is not the distance to make him stop and think about his actions.
Another consideration is the program he is in is ran a lot like ISS. The students sit in cubicles all day. They eat there and they work there. There isn't a lot of interaction between the students or anyone else. This causes boredom and self entertainment, which usually ends with a phone call to us.
All this being said, we are starting a new chapter. Online Public Education. Thursday we will be having our Transfer ARD meeting. I'm not sure who is more excited, Donny or us. Praying that we made the right decision.